Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Eclipse, by Stephenie Meyer

Okay, I put it off long enough and finally read 'Eclipse'. A day after I started reading it my husband said, "Wow, you read fast." I said, "No, it's a really good book." I liked it more than 'New Moon' so I am interested in what everyone else thinks.

And, I can't believe I am going to say it...I think I like Jacob more. That is, more than Edward. I feel like a traitor but when Bella had "the talk" with Jacob near the end of the book I actually felt like I was breaking up with the love of my life...and I cried. I think this was Stephenie's whole point, to leave the reader torn--kind of like a cliff hanger so we can't wait to read the next book. Yeah, it worked and I can't wait for the next one to come out.


Roberts' family said...

ruth, it was a great book and i feel similar to you in that i like jacob a lot but i also like edward. I feel torn on who she should choose. listen to us talk about her choosing between werewolf and vampire. crazy. next one out in spring 2008 and hopefully the movie not to long to follow. Melinda

Ruth said...

I just finished this book yesterday! I loved it too! I also had a hard time when she broke up with Jacob but I was already mad at Bella for kising him. And each time Edward forgives her I can see why both my younger sisters have a crush on him. :) I went to Stephenie's internet site after I finished the book and was a little disappointed there were no outakes or extras. My guess is that the Volturi come in the next book amidst all the wedding plans. What does everyone else think?

Rachael said...

why do you people like jacob , no not me i fell bad for him , but way mad at bella for kissing him . i can not understand why edward was so good to her , he is the best man (vampire) ever. and loved the book , even better then twilight.

Camelia Bradshaw said...

I am always behind. But I did find the book and read it in a day. I did like the book but I could not get Bella for ever wanting to be with Jacob. If she loves Edward the way she thinks she does, then there should be no room in her heart for another person. I can't wait for the next book either.